The Freedom To Vote Act Ending Partisan Gerrymandering

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The Freedom to Vote Act: Ending Partisan Gerrymandering

A Critical Safeguard for American Democracy

Gerrymandering: A Broken Process

Redistricting, the process of redrawing congressional districts, has become a tool for extreme partisan gerrymandering, where politicians manipulate district boundaries to favor their party and silence the voices of their opponents. Currently, federal courts lack the authority to prevent states from engaging in this harmful practice, resulting in maps that prioritize partisan advantage over fair representation.

The Freedom to Vote Act's Solution

The Freedom to Vote Act addresses this issue by proposing three key reforms:

Protecting Fair Representation

The Freedom to Vote Act is a critical step towards ensuring fair representation in our democracy. By ending partisan gerrymandering, it will empower voters and protect their right to have their voices heard, regardless of their political affiliation.